PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy

PRP is short for “platelet-rich plasma.” The platelets (fragments of cells) in your blood contain the highest concentration of clotting and growth factors and therefore are extracted from your own blood to improve your healing. 
Before your procedure starts, one or more small vials of your blood will be drawn and placed in a centrifuge (a medical device which rotates at high speeds). The platelet-rich portion of your blood will be separated out. Placing this material in the sites of surgery or extractions speeds healing and reduces pain. 

PRP can improve the results of a number of dental procedures: 
  • After oral or dental surgery 
  • Building up gum tissue during placement of dental implants
  • Treatment of periodontal disease
PRP is also beneficial when thickening gum tissue over an implant or restoring a normal gum line after recession has taken place. 
Schedule a Consultation to Learn More
woman holding prp sample
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